All fragments are carefully cleaned and dry fitted. A thixotropic, thermosetting structural resin is thinly and evenly applied along the bond line only. The fragments are aligned, joined with clamps, and adequately braced during curing, which is typically a period of several days.
A weathered fractured surface will require more adhesive than a fresh break.Adhesive applied and fragments clamped. North Haven, CT
Aligning fragments with adequate clamping is important for a successful restoration. When possible, we try to use gravity to help keep fragments in their proper position.
Above, a complicated fracture. The fragments are temporarily set on edge while adhesive cures.Because of the thixotropic nature of the adhesive, it will not adhere to a surface unless pressure is applied.After a partial cure, the excess adhesive is removed with hand tools.Detail of the cured area before crack fill is applied.When required, stainless steel threaded pins are used for structural support. On the left image, position of pins prior to drilling. The image on the right shows pins in place.After, with cementitious fills, the completed restoration.